Homework 1

Due: Jan 22nd, 2021


In the coming weeks I will ask you to

  • Write an academic CV
  • Create a personal web site
  • Write a (mock) grant proposal

Please start thinking about what you would like to propose. You can make up a project; it doesn’t have to be realistic, or tied to your actual research. There will be more information later.


  1. Read about academic job titles.

  2. Read about math CVs. (You don’t have to read every single answer, but read at least the first one or two, and then as many as you are interested in.)

  3. Visit the Mathematics Genealogy Project. Look up at least 3 professors from the Boise State Math Department, plus at least 3 from your undergraduate math department. Where (and when) did they get their PhDs? (This information might be on their CV or personal website if it’s not the genealogy database.)


(About yourself) Answer the questions. This will not be graded for correctness. The goal is just to tell me a little bit about yourself (and also to practice using LaTeX’s enumerate lists). Type these up and turn it in on Gradescope:

\item What is your ``official'' name as on the class roster?
\item What name do you like to go by in class?
\item How is your name pronounced?
\item What pronouns do you prefer (this could be she/her/hers, he/him/his,
  they/them/theirs, or other)?
\item What is something that you are excited to learn in this class?
\item What is something that you are concerned about in this class?
\item Is there anything else you would like me to know?