Term paper, second draft

Due: Apr 11th, 2020

Write a second draft of your term paper.


This draft has the following three purposes:

  1. Have an opportunity for feedback and suggestions. This includes sharing your draft paper with other students in the class for peer feedback and sharing ideas.

  2. Making sure you stay on schedule to finish a term paper without a big rush at the end of the semester.

  3. Incorporate a bibliography with proper formatting.


Given the realities of an academic semester, your term paper first draft is allowed to be an incomplete draft. Here is what is required:

  1. Your paper should have a title and identifiable topic/theme.

  2. Every section of the paper should be present (should at minimum be marked with a section title using \section{...}), and almost all sections should be nearly complete.

    (That doesn’t mean they have to be in final, polished form. There can still be some things left to work on, some gaps, and so on.)

  3. Include at least one theorem statement and at least one proof (a complete, “main” proof).

  4. Include a bibliography with at least one reference (ideally, at least three) and with proper formatting.

    See “How to Bibliography” for my recommendations of how to create a bibliography in LaTeX. These are not requirements; but if you choose to not follow the recommendations, then you are responsible for creating proper formatting.

  5. Use LaTeX to produce a PDF with reasonable formatting, similar to homework.

    • Readability: Please use reasonable margins (at least 1 inch), a 12-point option such as \documentclass[12pt]]{amsart}, and \linespread{2.4} to produce something like double-spaced lines.

    • LaTeX Environments: Please use LaTeX environments such as \begin{theorem}...\end{theorem}, proof, etc. See for example Overleaf’s tutorial on theorems and proofs.

    • LaTeX Sections: Please use LaTeX commands \section{...} and \subsection{...} (for example section{Introduction}, subsection{Short Biography of Cauchy}). A table of contents is probably not needed for papers less than 40 pages long.


Please upload your PDF to Gradescope.


A Google Drive shared folder will be created with your PDFs from Gradescope (just your draft paper, not any feedback/comments or grades), to share with the class.

You will be assigned two other students in the class to read their term papers and give them feedback and suggestions. The reading assignments are TBA.

You will be welcome to look at and/or study draft papers from other students in the class, and you would be allowed to share feedback and suggestions, but it’s not required.


Please review the advice from the first draft assignment! It still applies.