Homework 6

Due: Mar 28th, 2021

Note: Due date extended to Sunday, March 28 (instead of Wednesday, March 24)

These exercises are on sequences and series of functions.


  1. Choose: either Lebl 6.1.4+6.1.5 (both exercises together) or TBB 9.3.4+9.3.5 (both exercises together)

  2. Lebl 6.1.6

  3. Choose one: Lebl 6.1.10, 6.1.11

  4. Choose one: Lebl 6.2.7, 6.2.12


If you don’t have LaTeX on your computer, you can use Overleaf. Upload the PDF to Gradescope. Don’t submit the LaTeX source, just the PDF.

  • When you upload to Gradescope, please mark which page of the PDF has your answer to each question!

Email your instructor (that’s me) if you have questions or need help.

Some additional formatting instructions are in the syllabus. To summarize:

  • Use a new page (\newpage) for each problem.
  • State which question you are answering and the actual question. Then, start your answer in a new paragraph.
  • Use environments such as proof and theorem (via \begin{proof}...\end{proof}).
  • Use 12pt option \documentclass[12pt]{amsart} and \linespread{2.4}.

Please find and use the LaTeX template linked on the course website.

You are encouraged to work together on the homework!

Additional reading