Homework 4

Due: Nov 20th, 2020

This assignment is to find out about different societies, groups, sites, and institutions that are part of the mathematical community.


Choose three of them to learn about. Write a brief description of each one, a few sentences or a paragraph: what is this group, what does it do, what is something interesting about it. The total length might be around a page. Write your descriptions in LaTeX, form a PDF, and submit the PDF in BlackBoard.

The groups

There are many societies, groups, etc., in mathematics, playing different roles and with different aims. Just a few examples are here:

  1. Major professional societies: AMS, MAA, NCTM, SIAM, ASA, ASL, and more. There are even more societies internationally or in other countries: mathematics societies of Canada, Europe, Australia, etc.

  2. Groups that support diversity in the mathematical community, such as AWM, NAM, and Spectra; sites like Lathisms and Mathematically Gifted & Black.

  3. Research institutes such as MSRI, ICERM, AIM, MBI; major workshops such as PCMI, Arizona Winter School, and more.

Choose one from each of the three categories. You don’t have to choose a listed one. In fact I will be very happy if you find ones that I didn’t even know about.

This is informal writing. Write a description of each group/society/whatever that would make sense to a math student or teacher.


Please use LaTeX and produce a PDF. For readability, please:

  • Use margins of at least 1” (2.54cm)

  • Use a 12pt option such as \documentclass[12pt]{article}

  • Use \linespread{2.4} to get double-spaced lines