Homework 4
Homework 4
This assignment is to find out about different societies, groups, sites, and institutions that are part of the mathematical community.
Choose three of them to learn about. Write a brief description of each one, a few sentences or a paragraph: what is this group, what does it do, what is something interesting about it. The total length might be around a page. Write your descriptions in LaTeX, form a PDF, and submit the PDF in BlackBoard.
The groups
There are many societies, groups, etc., in mathematics, playing different roles and with different aims. Just a few examples are here:
Major professional societies: AMS, MAA, NCTM, SIAM, ASA, ASL, and more. There are even more societies internationally or in other countries: mathematics societies of Canada, Europe, Australia, etc.
Groups that support diversity in the mathematical community, such as AWM, NAM, and Spectra; sites like Lathisms and Mathematically Gifted & Black.
Research institutes such as MSRI, ICERM, AIM, MBI; major workshops such as PCMI, Arizona Winter School, and more.
Choose one from each of the three categories. You don’t have to choose a listed one. In fact I will be very happy if you find ones that I didn’t even know about.
This is informal writing. Write a description of each group/society/whatever that would make sense to a math student or teacher.
Please use LaTeX and produce a PDF. For readability, please:
Use margins of at least 1” (2.54cm)
Use a 12pt option such as
to get double-spaced lines